Cactus Garden Embroidery Sampler
Stop the doom-scrolling and try something cozy and fun! In this class, you’ll learn 23 new embroidery stitches, stitching block by block on this custom printed cotton panel. Each cactus has 2-4 different stitches to create texture on both the pot and cactus thorns. The panel is marked with guidelines to help you place stitches so you can make stitches that look great on your first try.
Featured stitches in this project: chain & detached chain, open wave stitch, fly stitch and variations, coral stitch, french knot, up and down buttonhole, closed feather stitch, wheat ear, woven cross, berry stitch, double lock stitch, palestrina, woven pistil stitch and more.
There’s a materials list with everything you’ll need for this project below. In the lessons, you’ll find a picture-in-picture view so you can see both the instructor and a close up view of the studio table so you can see every stitch step-by-step.

What’s included in this class:
9 video lessons, 126 minutes of instruction
Lessons to complete 8 – 4×6 inch blocks
Step by step demos from start to finish
Large photos with close up views of the stitches
Lessons are accessible via your web browser on any device
What you’ll need to provide for this project
You will need to purchase a Cactus Garden pre-printed fabric panel for this class. It is available in my Spoonflower shop. The design fits on one fat quarter of fabric. I recommend the Petal Signature Cotton. You can also choose Essex Linen, Organic Cotton Sateen or Silk Cotton.
At least 3 colors of embroidery thread. Choose either size 8 perle cotton or 6-stranded embroidery thread. I recommend one color (pale green/yellow) for the thorns and an assortment of bright colors for the pots.
Embroidery or chenille needle
6 inch embroidery hoop or fusible fleece fabric

I love beginners.
You do not need embroidery experience for this class. Beginners are welcome! If you’ve done a little embroidery before, great!
The fabric panel has guidelines marked to help with your stitching so you can make precise stitches by just following the guidelines. And the best part is you get to choose your own colors for each design. I’ll give you some suggestions for how many colors work best for each design and show you stitched samples so you can see how the designs look when stitched in different color variations.
Every lesson has a comment block so you can ask questions. I will do my best to respond to your questions as soon as I see them so you can keep stitching.

This class works on your schedule.
In this on-demand version you work at your own pace, completing the lessons on your schedule whenever you want to stitch. There’s a comments section in every lesson to ask questions if you need help.
Want to watch a sample lesson? You can watch the “Materials & Tools” lesson for free by clicking on the “Enroll in this class” button below.
Register now.
Cost: This class is $25.
Level: Intro/Beginner