Materials & Tools

Materials & Tools (9 min)
You’ll need the following materials for this class:
Sashiko Inspired Squares pre-printed panel. Available from my Spoonflower Shop.
The panel with all 6 animal designs fits on a fat quarter of fabric. I recommend Petal Signature Cotton as a great fabric choice. You could also use Organic Cotton Sateen, Cotton Silk or Essex Linen.
Your choice of embroidery threads. You should have a minimum of 3 colors. Choose either size 8 perle cotton or 6-stranded embroidery floss (split into 3 threads). If you would like to try out some size 8 perle cotton, I have a few thread grab bags available for purchase.
An embroidery or chenille needle
Fusible fleece or an embroidery hoop. Choose whichever option makes the most sense for the finished object you want to make. You can get fusible fleece from Heat & Bond or Pellon. You just need about a fat quarter (or 5 inch scraps). You can fuse that to the back of your fabric before class, following the package directions.
Design Sheets (optional). You can view these on your screen or print them for a reference.