Here’s where to find everything.
Look at the menu in the top orange bar on this page.
Classes Home – This is where you find all of the available classes at the Studio Table.
My Classes & Login – This takes you to your Dashboard where you can log in and out of your account.
You will also find all of the classes you have registered for here. You can come back anytime to review or finish a class.
You will find all of the Stanley badges you have earned. Stanley badges get you points you can spend on future classes.
Live Zoom Classes – This takes you back to my main site where you can find all of the live/scheduled classes and events that I have (in person & via zoom).
Back to Blog & Main Site – This takes you back to my main website page.
Help – This takes you to this page.

Who is Stanley? Why is there a dog?
Stanley is my 2 year old yellow lab. He often hangs out underneath my studio table and sometimes stops in to visit a class. You can earn Stanley badges when you do things like registering for a new class or adding a comment.
Why do I have to have an account to take a class?
This is how the system knows what you are registered for. I will not use your email to communicate with you except for the information about how to log in to your classes. You will not be added to my email list without your explicit permission.
How do I reset my password?
Go to the My Classes & Login page. There is a password reset at the top of the page.
I started a class but I don’t know how to get back to it.
Go to classes.beckarahn.com and click on the My Classes & Login page. When you login, you should see all of the classes you have registered for under the My Classes section. Click on the button that says Continue Study.
What if a video is not working or there’s a broken link?
Please let me know! I am the one-person tech support team for this new class platform, so I’m the one you report it to. Send an email to teacher at beckarahn dot com or click the Contact Becka button at the bottom of any page.